Split, Bačvice - luksuzan stan na atraktivnoj lokaciji sa pogledom na more, 163 m2

ID Kod4706
Bačvice, Split
Za prodaju
Vrsta nekretnine:
Ukupan broj soba:
Spavaće sobe:
163 m2
Angelus nekretnine Vam nude na prodaju luksuzan četverosoban stan od 163 m2, sa prekrasnim pogledom na more.

Stan se nalazi u mirnom, dvorišnom i zelenom okruženju i jednom od najljepših kvartova u gradu Splitu, Bačvice. Iznimno urban predio grada koji ima sve potrebno za ugodno življenje. Nalazi se svega nekoliko minuta hoda do samog centra grada, Rive i Dioklecijanove palače, kao i najpoznatije gradske plaže Bačvice. U neposrednoj blizini nalaze se škole (osnovne i srednje), vrtići, razne trgovine, stanica javnog gradskog prijevoza, dječji parkovi, sportski tereni.

Prodaje se vrhunski kompletno adaptirani dvotežni stan ukupne površine od 163 m2, koji se nalazi na 3. katu male stambene zgrade. Stan je pretežno orijentiran na jug i zapad, prepun je svjetla, iznimno visokih stropova, kompletno namješten namještajem po mjeri i opremljen vrhunskim uređajima. Sastoji se od ulaznog prostora, velike blagovaonice i kuhinje, dvije spavaće sobe, kupaonice i spreme koji su sumješteni na prvoj etaži stana. Etaže su međusobno povezane sa prekrasnim drvenim stepenicama obložene egzotičnim drvom. Na drugoj etaži stana nalazi se veliki dnevni boravak, dvije spavaće sobe, garderoba i kupaona sa tušem i jacuzzijem. Dnevni boravak ima izlaz na terasu sa koje se pruža čaroban pogled na more, otoke, staru gradsku jezgru i park šumu Marjan. Doslovno grad kao da imate na „dlanu“. Kroz cijeli stan provedeno je centralno grijanje na lož ulje. Vlasnici trenutno koriste dva parkirna mjesta u neposrednoj blizini stana uz plaćanje mjesečne naknade.
U stanu je izvršena potpuna adaptacija, promijenjene su instalacije struje i vode, te betonska međukatna konstrukcija.

Stan ima veliki potencijal bilo da se radi o mirnom obiteljskom životu ili u svrhu turističkog najma, budući da se stan uvijek može vratiti u izvorno stanje i napraviti prenamjenu u DVA ili TRI manja stana, te ga svakako preporučamo pogledati. Dokumentacija i vlasništvo uredno.

Za sva pitanja i informacije ili za dogovor termina pregleda nekretnine kontaktirajte nas već danas, a na poveznici https://angelusnekretnine.hr/o-nama možete pogledati naše Opće uvjete poslovanja.

S poštovanjem,

Vaše Angelus nekretnine d.o.o.

Angelus real estate offers for sale a luxurious four-room apartment of 163 m2, with a beautiful view of the sea.

The apartment is located in a quiet, courtyard and green environment and one of the most beautiful neighborhoods in the city of Split, Bačvice. An exceptionally urban area of the city that has everything you need for a comfortable life. It is only a few minutes' walk to the very center of the city, the Riva and Diocletian's Palace, as well as the most famous city beach of Bačvice. In the immediate vicinity there are schools (primary and secondary), kindergartens, various shops, a public transport station, children's parks, sports fields.

For sale is a top-quality, fully adapted duplex apartment with a total area of 163 m2, located on the 3rd floor of a small residential building. The apartment is mainly oriented to the south and west, it is full of light, extremely high ceilings, completely furnished with custom-made furniture and equipped with top-quality appliances. It consists of an entrance area, a large dining room and kitchen, two bedrooms, a bathroom and a utility room, which are located on the first floor of the apartment. The floors are interconnected with beautiful wooden stairs covered with exotic wood. On the second floor of the apartment there is a large living room, two bedrooms, a dressing room and a bathroom with a shower and jacuzzi. The living room has an exit to the terrace, which offers a magical view of the sea, the islands, the old city center and the Marjan forest park. It's literally as if you have the city in the "palm of your hand". The entire apartment is heated with heating oil. The owners currently use two parking spaces in the immediate vicinity of the apartment with the payment of a monthly fee.
The apartment was completely renovated, the electricity and water installations, and the concrete mezzanine structure were changed.

The apartment has great potential, whether it is for a quiet family life or for the purpose of tourist rental, since the apartment can always be returned to its original condition and converted into TWO or THREE smaller apartments, and we definitely recommend viewing it. Documentation and ownership in order.

For all questions and information or to arrange an appointment for a real estate inspection, contact us today, and at the link https://angelusnekretnine.hr/o-nama you can view our General Terms and Conditions.

With respect,
Your Angelus nekretnine d.o.o.

  • Centralno grijanje
  • Struja
  • Gradski vodovod
  • Vlasnički list
  • Internet
  • Parkirna mjesta: 2
Blizina sadržaja
  • Park
  • Igralište
  • Udaljenost od mora: 150 m
  • Blizina mora
  • Namješteno
  • Broj etaža: dvoetažni
  • Novogradnja

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